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How would it feel to become the kind of person that:

 Wakes up energised, looking forward to starting their damn day filled because I Know beyond a shadow of a doubt what I want and where I'm going and I brings it into my life on the daily feeling more content than ever.

Has purpose and unapologetically prioritises them damn selves because when I'm feeling good you can handle whatever the day, the week, the month, LIFE throws at me

 Makes decisions quickly and powerfully, with more confidence than a middle aged white dude because if it’s not getting you closer to where I want to be it’s taking me further away and no fucking thanks

 Stepping into who I really am, unafraid of being seen, of taking up space, of asking for what I damn well want and how I damn well want it and getting it. 

Trusts myself so implicitly, self worth and confidence oozes from me so much so I'm magnetic AF to all the things I could ever want. 

How the fuck do I get to be that person dammit Amee?

So glad you asked because the answer is surprisingly simple (note: I didn’t say easy, I said simple) 



We all have one and it’s the only difference between you right now today wishing things were different and the you who is living their best fucking life.

With purpose everything changes, 

You become the person who completely transforms their life and makes shit happen, unapologetically. 

Think lucky person syndrome on STEROIDS. 

And lucky for YOU  (see it's already working) you’re in the right place because I have created





4 modules and you can go at your own pace because mate, life is chaotic - I know. 

Each module comes with a video lesson and workbook to take you through each step fully supported.

Module 1 - Full permission to break the rules 

Module 2 - Clarity and confidence, shedding old beliefs 

Module 3 - Bring it into everyday life  

Module 4 - Taking action with systems and structure to support your new life

A few hours + getting into action is all it takes to completely change your life.

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BONUS My Fuck yes life game plan workbook + videos and a 12 month printable A3 digital calendar valued at $97

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I’m a living breathing example of what’s possible when you are fuelled by purpose, by your own purpose. 

Having recently just packed up my entire life and relocated myself and my daughter to the other side of the world I am relentless in my pursuit of creating and living a life I live on purpose. 

My idea of a good time (and zone of fucking genius) is unlocking YOUR purpose within you and showing you just how good life get's to be good, how good YOUR life get's to be regardless of your current situation and circumstances.

This is the exact method I have used in my life repeatedly and have used to coach men and women just like you to actively participate in living your one wild and precious life in the way you want to.

Also let’s not forget that I’ve spent the last ten years learning all of this the hard way, doing course after course, training after training, healing after healing and a fuck load of life integration so I’m saving you years AND all of the tears (You. Are. Welcome)

Don't take my word for it, take theirs:

"I didn’t have direction and I was just wandering through life a mum of 4 boys feeling completely lost"

"I felt helpless, I was tired and exhausted.

I didn’t have direction and I was just wandering through life a mum of 4 boys feeling completely lost, I even told Amee the program isn’t really for me because well, how can I have a fuck yes life when my entire life revolves around my 4 boys.

Sitting and writing my goals and what I wanted in my life helped me get out of my head and my own way and I could start to see changes I could make that were going to make my life mine again.  

I realised that even though my life hadn’t gone to “plan” that’s actually the best part! Life sends you where you need to be and when I got this, I took action!  

And 3 months later:  

 I am more present in being a mum instead of rolling with the mundane life of washing and cleaning, I now just stop and sit and play and draw as the mess will always be there but my kids won't.  

 I completed my first ever triathlon; I wasn’t ready and had all the excuses in the world but with Amee in my head from the course I just got in and did it! It felt AMAZING and I can’t wait for my next one.  

 I used to pass out at 7.30pm at night with my baby because I was so exhausted with life, Now I am now more energised and enjoy my time and do things for me while they sleep! Which is a huge thing because what I desperately needed was some me time.  

 It has also helped me focus on my language and how I talk to myself. When I catch myself with all my messy negative thoughts I change them to a more positive conversation, getting really intentional because that’s the vibration I want to surround myself with. 

Everyday is work and progress but I feeling way better than I was 3 months ago My life has completely changed in 3 months, more than I ever thought could be possible.

Mother of 4. Triathlete. Powerful AF woman. 

"I will revisit this whenever I forget how damn powerful I am."

To keep it real, I had no idea what to expect. I just knew that Amee was going to shake shit up, but to what extent, who knows right   

I‘d recently gone through some major life change, feeling mopey but thought was in a good space to start creating my happily ever after, insert reality check here and an evil sarcastic laugh, apparently I was far from it.  

Holy fork and sheets, some of the questions poke a finger in spaces you won’t expect and if you’re willing to go all in, be prepared to unlearn shit you thought you knew and get ready to adapt a whole new way of living! 


I remember sending a voice message at one point sobbing, obvi in a good way, 

I found myself on these pages and I will revisit this when ever I forget how damn powerful I am.  

I now have my fuck yes life laid out, I’m excited again and the 9-5 is on notice, I’m out.

My new mantra is unless it’s a full body fuck yes, it’s a fuck no! 

Creative genius. Obscure pet parent. Fuck yes lifer. 
I can't wait to read what you have to say at the end of yours - ready to get busy seeing what your fuck yes life is going to look like for you?
Sounds fucking great doesn't it, but you don't believe it can happen for you yet do you?!

There's 2 things I need you to understand

Firstly: Well why the fuck not you!?!

Whatever has happened to get you here right now reading this tells me you KNOW it gets to be better than this and that part of you knows something else is possible for you and your life. 

So can we agree that we're going to drop the whole it won't work for me convo and instead get into action and do something to change life as you know it. 

I mean really, what have you got to lose?

Nothing but you have absolutely EVERYTHING to gain. 

And, secondly:

Life doesn't have to dictate a single thing to you,

YOU, yeah mate, especially you 

You get to not only create, but completely reinvent yourself and your life according to how you want to live it and all it takes is one small change at a time. 

Nothing too big or dramatic 

but enough to completely change how you life feels for you.

Now that right there is something to get excited about!!

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